To craft man

In the JM Group
Along with the expansion of business scale,
New to each regional base
We are looking for friends.

Craftsman wanted

A society where craftmen play an active part

In response to such societal needs and to enhance the value of society, the JM Group seeks to expand the scale of the business and is looking for new colleagues (craft man). For every local franchise store, we are looking for carpenters, electric workers, multipurpose machines etc for each job. Even those with insufficient construction skills and IT skills are preparing for training at training facilities to acquire skills so do not worry. In addition, the compensation also rises according to your growth.

As the needs for the construction industry are rising, the power of your people is gathered together to realize a new approach to improve the appeal of the city as a whole by the government, local residents, companies developing nationwide (global expansion), and local companies together Let's build a new society.

JM's base

Social change

Japanese life style is about to change drastically with the declining population and declining birthrate and aged society. The hollowing out in the central urban area of ​​local cities rapidly advanced, the comfort, functionality, habitability, environmental friendliness etc. remarkably decreased due to the need for barrier-free function, the increase in maintenance and management cost, and the increase in energy procurement cost I am starting to do.

Although natural disasters such as the Great East Japan Earthquake are on the rise, disaster prevention and disaster prevention against natural disasters and rapid restoration needs from disasters are increasing.
Meanwhile, in the construction industry, which is responsible for these tasks, we have a challenge of securing human resources because of a long-term reduction in construction investment, an unstable order entry environment, and an aging of skilled workers.

Trends in the number of workers in the construction industry

JM's business

Amid such a big change, we consider Japan's future social needs as the era of O & M (management and maintenance), and since the foundation from Maeda Construction Retail Division in 2007, since the foundation of the local community We have set a vision for the establishment of a management system that makes management cost visible, rediscovering the charm of the area, and supporting the management of the community that can be opened to society.

In order to realize this vision, based on the maintenance maintenance of the facilities of partner companies developing nationwide, as local administrators of area management to maintain the building facilities in the area more efficiently, local company management and directly operated satellites to more than 60 nationwide It arranges and cultivates craftsmen.

Trends in the number of employees in the construction industry by age group


This is a new business format to improve efficiency by realizing a system in which local craftsmen take charge of local maintenance. "Is a trademark of JM naoshiya-matabe" is a cornerstone of area female screw placement is "craftsman (to provide maintenance services of building equipment professional represents that it is)." We believe that ensuring the satisfaction of the craftsmen themselves is the first step in customer satisfaction so that the craftsmen can earn the trust of our customers and provide services that satisfy them. On the other hand, in today's society where there is a shortage of craftsmen, it is also important to make the work of craftsmen more attractive. Therefore, we are proceeding with various developments so that craftsmen can master the latest IT tools, and we are also conducting training to acquire skills.

Expansion of business

JM has been steadily increasing its sales so far, exceeding 25 billion yen in FY2017. Up until now, Life Cycle Management and have been actively working in the environmental field. The increase in requests to our company is not just the maintenance of buildings, but the realization of smart lives, that is, smart homes and smart cities. It can be said to represent a sign of construction.

I am convinced that the era in which JM has been cultivated, an area planning simulation, cleaning, maintenance repair management, facility maintenance, energy visualization, spatial information database, etc. can contribute to society.

History · Sales

JM's business